TAN continues its forward momentum, set to join sSET Index calculation in 2024

18 June 2024

TANACHIRA Retail Corporation Public Company Limited (TAN) Selected for Inclusion in sSET Index for the second half of 2024 (July 1 - December 31, 2024)

Mr. Tanapong Chirapanidchakul, CEO of TAN said that Tanachira Retail Corporation Public Company Limited (TAN) has been selected as one of 21 companies to be included in the sSET Index for the second half of 2024 (July 1 - December 31, 2024). This reflects the strong interest in TAN shares from both domestic and international investors. The company meets the index's criteria for free-float and trading volume, and its fundamentals are strong with high growth potential in the region.

TAN has a clear growth strategy that involves expanding its four business segments - fashion, lifestyle, beauty and wellness, and food and beverage - both domestically and internationally. These segments have high growth potential and generate strong margins for the company, as evidenced by its recent strong performance in line with its targets. TAN is committed to good corporate governance to create value for its shareholders and achieve sustainable growth in the long term.