Governance and Ethics
Tanachira Retail Corporation Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (“Company Group”) have the intention to conduct business per the principles of good corporate governance by adhering to laws, morals, and ethics; managing the work with transparency; and responsibility to stakeholders for sustainable business growth.
Policy and Guideline
Corporate Governance Policy
Sustainability Development Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Succession Policy
Business Continuity Management Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Disclosure Policy
Policy Governing Subsidiaries and Affiliates, and Investment Policy
Code of Conduct
Dividend Policy
Enterprise Risk Management Policy
Insider Trading Policy
Related Party Transactions Policy
Policy for Submission of Financial Statement
Foreign Exchange Hedging Policy
Personal Data Protection Policy

Board of Directors Charter
Audit Committee Charter
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter
Corporate Governance Committee Charter
Risk Management Committee Charter
Executive Committee Charter
Scope of Duties and Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer
Scope of Duties and Responsibilities of the Company Secretary
Anti-Corruption Policy
Our company group firmly adheres to conducting business with honesty, transparency, and in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance. We recognize the importance of combating all forms of corruption. Accordingly, our company group has established an anti-corruption policy to guide the conduct of our board members, executives, and employees. This policy is aimed at preventing and opposing corruption issues within our company group, making our stance against corruption even more clear.
Anti-Corruption Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Company Group recognize the importance of preventing wrongdoing and corruption that might arise from performances and contact with stakeholders, which affect the Company Group’s decision and business operations.
Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Channel
The Company Group has established the channels for complaint or whistleblowing.